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Stewardship at Renewed Treasures Ministries: Giving Back What Is God’s 

Remember Matthew 25.21.  Jesus tells a parable of the servant whose master gave him charge of five bags of gold. Diligently, he doubled the treasure. And when the time of reckoning came, the servant reaped his reward:  “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’” Here at Renewed Treasures Ministries, we find ourselves blessed by the work God has given us: we share in His happiness by doing His will, and our happiness increases wherever He places us in His trust.  


At Renewed Treasures, God calls us to be stewards of men and women whom the world has abandoned, though He has not. God calls us to be stewards of the houses and the finances and the legal and educational and moral guidance of these individuals. And, as our duties grow, so indeed does our collective happiness in the Lord and His work. Stewardship is, by definition, taking responsibility for resources belonging to another. Well, everything belongs to God.    


But there’s always more to do than there are stewards to serve. As Jesus tells us in Luke 10.2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” In obedience to this Scripture, we do “ask the Lord of the harvest” to send help. Perhaps as you read this very passage, you feel the Spirit moving you join in and aid our mission at the Renewed Treasures Ministries .Renewed Treasures Ministries of Springfield, Missouri Transitional Home for men and women • Faith-Based Recovery Programs • Parenting and

Life-Skills “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.  Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.” 2nd Chronicles 20.17


“Well done, good and faithful servant!” These are the words we look forward to hearing when we go to our own reckoning.

Can you join us and share in “the master’s happiness”?


Many of our women arrive at our doorstep with battered dreams and a suitcase—nothing more. Food items, cleaning supplies, children’s clothes and toys: just about everything wholesome that you need in your house is needed in our house. Again, call us at 417.501.1120 if you can help. 


Support us, too, with your prayers—and like us on Facebook! We’d like to keep you posted on upcoming events and alert you when blogs or news items are added to this website. Lets become friends, shall we?

Volunteer opportunities abound at House of Hope. Whatever talents God has entrusted you with can be returned to Him by your volunteering on behalf of our women. Carpentry, painting, yardwork, tutoring, bookkeeping, legal counsel: you name it, we can use it! If the Spirit moves you, give us a call at 417.501.1120.



Donations of any amount are cheerfully, gratefully, and humbly accepted. Feel free to make a monetary donation using the link below. If you are moved to give a substantial donation, keep in mind that House of Hope is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, so your gift would be tax-deductible. Here, too, please give us a call at 417.501.1120. 


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In Gratitude...

The Renewed Treasures Ministries would like to thank the following contributors to our website. David J. Eslick Photography provided many splendid images presented here. Brett Franklin of Quality Trim and Sign designed our handsome web banner. James S. Baumlin of Research Consultants of the Ozarks helped with the text. Jann Baker designed [and maintains] our site. To these gracious givers, we add our thanks to the pastor and congregation of Northside Assembly of God.

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